What is Religion?

I was going to originally title this "What is Christianity?" but did not want to make people think I was specifically targeting a specific religion. Which I am not...you are... Let me explain. First I will explain why Christianity is targeted by "you" and by you I mean Christians, and by Christians I do not mean every damn one! For example. Joe is a christian, Joe like to go to bars at night. Joe does not knock on my door and tell me why I am going to hell because I am not a Christian. He also dose not change the context of the bible every ten years. Then their is Bob, he is the man who talks about religion every chance he gets, make it apparent to me and asked me if I have saved myself yet on a daily basis, tells me why Christianity is the only way to go and everything else I know is WRONG and I will be condemned for it. IF you have not been able to tell yet "Bob" is who I am targeting on the first part of this rant. Now for an experience that I just had yesterday to begin my second subject on this matter.

I had a gentleman come into my work place yesterday and he handed me a pamphlet. On the pamphlet it said "Have you accepted his forgiveness?" Don't worry I do not jump to conclusions or get angry when I see people trying to spread their religion on to others...it's when they FORCE it upon others I start to get pissed. Anyways this man was actually pretty entertaining and I am sure without a doubt he had a good heart with good intentions. And he will be a Christian till the day he dies and be proud of his religion every day of his life. And I am glad that he is. However I thought I would humor him and "Act interested" in what he had to say. He began by having me open up the pamphlet to the very first page where it had another question with a picture of Christ behind it, this one asking "If you died today where would to go? To heaven, or hell? I thought about the question for a second to humor him once again and decided to give him an answer that was somewhere in the middle of the playing field by saying "That's a good question." He replied by saying he hears that quite often actually and then asked me to think again on it and respond. Well I did not want to disappoint the fellow Christian and after all the last thing I wanted him to do is pull out his cross and banish me so I calmly replied "Oh I am fairly confident I would find my passage to heaven sir."


He smiled and said how do you know that you will go to heaven when you die? I then continued by saying well...it's more like common sense. I make sure to have good intentions, I know right from wrong (sometimes there is no telling the difference) and I am pure of heart. I truly believe that I am a good person and when it comes down to the end of the day I am not someone to hurt, murder, cheat, steal, or anything else any Christian would find sinful or categorized under the seven deadly sins. During this conversation he said you got it all wrong. You don't have to do anything except, accept the fact that he died on the cross for our sins as payment into heaven. I was really confused when he said this and the last thing I want to do is jump to conclusions so I had him relay what he just did with more of an explanation so I did not insult him. He continued to tell me that Jesus Christ came back for one purpose only and that was to die on that cross for payment for our sins so we may be granted access into Heaven.


Now there was more words said but just typing this is getting me pissed so I am cutting to the chase. The rest of the conversation basically stated that I can be a rapist, a thief and do wrong but as long as I ask for forgiveness and accept that he died on the cross for the sins I have committed or may commit....I am going to Heaven! WHAT THE FUCK! This should be insulting to ANYONE that calls themselves a Christian and this is just one of the many and oh I mean MANY reasons that I choose not to be one! Why does it seems that every time I talk to someone who is a Christian and tries to explain their ways and rules of Christianity or "passage" may I say I get something completely fucking different. Why is it that if I do not accept their ways then I am most certainly going to hell because I am not--(oh sing the chant in your head folks) "one of us, one of us, one of us" There are two types of religion that piss me off first is Christianity obviously and I hate saying that cause its NOT the religion its how it has become twisted and how people portray it! So let me rephrase that. There are TWO GROUPS of people when it comes to religion that piss me off...Christians and Atheists. The second one I am about to explain comes from a chain reaction from the first!

Our "Christian Based Country" known as the United States of America is so arrogant, & so proud of it's people. The "Bob's" in our country shove this religion down our throats and remind us of it every fucking day that a large % of us say "hey, fuck you!" I know so many people that I feel has been pushed into becoming and Atheist because they are tired of Christian bullshit. What really sucks about this is I respect ALL religions and I respect Christianity just as much as Atheism I live among the belief "to each their own. But what sucks about this particular instance is that you have people just joining other religions saying they are something just to join a bandwagon. I have seen so many bandwagon Atheists in the past 5-10 years i would be a millionaire if I got a dollar for every one I bumped into. And this has gotta be frustrating for people who have been Atheists from day one cause trust me people if you joined the bandwagon fellow Atheists are not saying "join us" the are saying yeah ...get out of our community you confused hypocrite.

Now I know I may have offended people out their but I also know I may add on to this cause there is so much more to talk about all I am going to say is I end this by saying I study neither of these religions/beliefs, and that I do appreciate both of them it is just the "Bob's" from each group that urk me sometimes.


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