Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn
Sorry about the last blog...had nothing to do with IGZ (I just needed to vent) and sadly if I posted it on Facebook I would be burned on a torch. (really sad)
Anyways, where I have been and what game I have primarily been playing! So I no longer play WoW and have settled into a new MMO know as FF14:ARR and so far it has been quite fun. The PvP is 10 times better, the dungeons are fun however they are quite lengthy...and you don't have to be a l33test jerk to do end game content! They also plan to add mini games such as a card game, Chocobo races. & more with a Gold Saucer implementation in the near future.
They also just released a marriage system for couples who play together in game. I posted a few pictures below. Currently the information states that ceremony registration starts this Friday @ 4am server time, but you can complete the "couples" quest and get the clothing now.
I am sure this will add a neat new feature to the game but I do not know if they will allow shared private housing or what actually comes with this yet. Maybe a title? Perks for partying together? EXP boost perhaps? No clue but all we can do is wait. As for myself I currently play as a Female miqo'te and sure as hell am not marrying a dude. My fiance (oh yeah I am getting married now BTW) plays this game as well and she plays a female too. However another question up in the air is if they will allow same sex character marriages or not. We can only wait for all of these answers.
If worse comes to worse I will finally have to use my unused fantasia potion for a sex change lol (no more kitty tittys! ;-( /sadface) Either way I am looking forward to the future updates and cannot wait for the implementation of the gold saucer!
If anyone here happens to play I am on the realm Adamantoise and my characters name is "Lanigeris Feras"
Glad to finally get something up about gaming!
Catch ya later!

I am sure this will add a neat new feature to the game but I do not know if they will allow shared private housing or what actually comes with this yet. Maybe a title? Perks for partying together? EXP boost perhaps? No clue but all we can do is wait. As for myself I currently play as a Female miqo'te and sure as hell am not marrying a dude. My fiance (oh yeah I am getting married now BTW) plays this game as well and she plays a female too. However another question up in the air is if they will allow same sex character marriages or not. We can only wait for all of these answers.

If anyone here happens to play I am on the realm Adamantoise and my characters name is "Lanigeris Feras"
Glad to finally get something up about gaming!
Catch ya later!