Founders Kentucky Breakfast Stout getting all the buzz! (Media)

This is an article that I found interesting this morning that I found on What can I say? I like my brewsky's and like to keep up with what's going on from time to time. Hope you enjoy!


(Grand Rapids, MI) - It happens with literally every Founders Brewing limited release. The brewery sends out a beer like Backwoods Bastard a couple weeks early asking that stores hold it until a certain date before making it available for sale. It is akin to buying a 12-year old a Nintendo Wii on Dec. 13 and asking him/her not to open it until Dec. 25 (well, close enough). There is an allure about all of these limited releases and being in the top 50 on the two big beer sites just makes it that much harder to get your hands on.

Kentucky Breakfast Stout

About this year’s release . . . the beer was not to hit the streets until the weekend of March 15 though at least a few stores made it available even before March 1. Most of the 1,400 cases are still at large though that small number means that virtually all stores will be getting a maximum of 1-3 cases, most on the lower end of that range. KBS will be available in ten states: MI, OH, IN, IL, WI, MA, NJ, PA, NC, and SC. If you live in one of them, you should consider contacting your local store to see if you can reserve a 4-pack. Oh, and you will notice that it now dons a new label.

Looking toward 2010, more will be made as the brewery has installed some new tanks. Other offerings like Breakfast Stout and Backwoods Bastard are more regularly available now than they used to be which bodes well for KBS fans in 2010.


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