WWE scripts it right! (Entertainment)

So last Monday I watched the best episode of Monday Night Raw that I have seen in a long time. It wasn't just part of the show either. The show from beginning to end was great. There were so many great things that happened, so to make things easy I will just go in order with how things happened as they progressed on the show.

Raw opened with Edge announcing himself as the new World Heavyweight Champion. After a while John Cena comes out to basically let Edge know he will be "watching" him. The crowd actually seemed somewhat into chanting for Cena too. A friend of mine beliefs Cena should have been put up against Edge a long time ago, and this is what we have been waiting for. So far I would have to agree and personally I am liking the Cena/Edge feud.

All of the matches were well done and to make this short I'll jsut post a few of the things that also made Raw great. Priceless picked up another victory. Piper showed up, and Melina retained her title.

Now what happened last on Raw is what really made everyone happy. There was match Orton vs Shane. Orton ended up giving shance the boot. Stephanie shortly came out afterwards and cryed as the EMTs put Shane on a strecther. What happened next was totally unexpected. Orton RKO'd stephanie out of knowwhere. Shortly after another unexpected event happened when the GAME came dow nto the ring. This is what WWE has been needing not only a good fued but also a story that makes sense. However I am not putting all my eggs in a basket just yet for this was just one show. Hopefully tomarrow night will show some light as well.


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