Resident Evil 5 & more (Gaming)

So I have been highly anticipating the upcoming Resident Evil 5 game that comes out March 13th. So far I have played the demo and on a personal perspective I like all of the changes that they have made to the game. It did take a bit of getting use to at first. But after adjusting I now am around 90% that everything was a great change. I'm saving the last 10% for when the game actually comes out, as I am preying the do not mess up the online play. Anyways I don't really have too much to say about the game. I could go on and talk about the storyline but I figured if anyone really wants questions asked its be better to Google, or wiki it.

Anyways, this leads me to my "more" part of this post. I decided to post about RE5 in an internet forum I am active in. It started by me trying to find out if anyone else owns a PS3 and if they do, I was wanting to know if they planned on getting RE5 cause I am looking to possible play with people online after it comes out. Well to make a long story short instead of me finding out what I wanted it turned into a console war and now I have people on my thread posting wii sucks, 360 sucks, PS3 sucks back and forth on my thread. If you would like humored please visit my thread if you would like! Other than that, that is all I have on the RE5 update.


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