Lets play an MMO! (Gaming)

If you all do not know already I am a big fan of MMO's but I have been having a bit of a personal online problem for actually quite sometime now. Isn't an MMO supposed to be played with other people? I'll just get to the point instead of playing twenty questions. What has been bothering me are people who play these MMO's and bitch for people selling shit, or they are tired of getting PK'ed, or they are tired of seeing so many people in the towns. I apologize for the upcoming caps but...ITS A FUCKING MMO! DOSEN'T THE TWO "M'S" IN "MMO" STAND FOR "MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER!!!" Ok first off, being able to sell stuff is a great way to earn cash on an MMO matter a fact I have done it in a few games I used to play FFXI, PSU, and I am sure maybe one or two more. Psst...it's called freedom. For now I am gonna skip the PK category and save it for last and I will get to the easy one. Why is everyone always packed in town and selling shit in town? Well lets see when I wasn't fighting monsters I usually spent most of my time in an MMO sleeping and chatting with friends in a cave full of werebats and manbearpigs...come on people it's common sense town is where you obtain and finish your quests in most MMO's as well as buy new weapons visit guild halls...the list goes on once again "MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER". And now for the grand finally!!! PvP!!!

Player 1: Damn I am so ****ing tired of getting pwned while doing dungeons or quests or just for no plain reason at all. They are ****ing assholes!
Player 2: Dude seriously so you're telling me you expect to play an MMO and not run into anyone while you loot, kill, quest, whatever and do whatever you want?
Player 1: Well that would be nice, but I know that's not gonna happen cause it's an MMO.
Player 2: Then why are you getting so mad? It's only competition that's one of the main reasons people play MMO's to rise to the top and prove themselves.
Player 1: Yeah but that is no excuse for a level 70 to go around killing newbies. It's ****ing retarded I hate playing MMO's for this unbalanced retarded bullshit. I'm also tired of the newbies asking for help all the time its drives me friggin' nuts!
Player 2: Ok so you hate the pking, can't stand to meet other people you don't know, and just want to be left alone.
Player 1: Well, for the most part yeah, I would just like for me and my friends to have a good time be ourselves when we play.
Player 2: Well I am sorry to say but you are playing the wrong type of games. Stick to a console.

Well that was fun and a little elaborate but I think I got my point across...i think. And for those of you who forgot out there it's "MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER" not 1 to 4 players. Happy Gaming!


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