Awating: Diablo 3 (Gaming)

For quite some time now I have been keeping an eye on Diablo 3. For when this game eventually dose come out you may not hear from me for I will have no life once again. I do admit it when it comes to the D series I am something I hate...a fanboy . Unless if something takes a 180 turn and doesn't make sense at all with the story line then I prolly won't get pissed, and will keep supporting this upcoming title. Around two weeks ago I got really exited with the new Wizard class that was released. Somehow, they took the sorceress from Diablo 2 and made it even more l33t. The coolest spell so far I would have to say is the ability to slow time. It seems like it is going to be very useful in game and when in a party as well. Other than that the teleport skill is going to take the coolness factor for me. Not only dose the spell caster still have the ability to move fast but now whenever the Wizard teleports near an enemy the enemy takes damage from the respawn point of the tele...