S4 League Official Lauch! (Gaming)

Today is the launch of Alaplaya's newest game S4 League. S4 League is a 3rd person shooter that allows you to customize your character and play with your friends online to achieve victory. During the beta which I have played through they had two game modes. Deathmatch, and Touchdown. The deathmatch basically talks for itself, players are split up into two teams and the one with the most kills at the end of the match wins. As for touchdown, players are once again spit up into two teams and have to retrieve a ball which they have to being to their opponents goal while fighting and defending off the opposing team. So far I personally like TD better cause I believe it is more challenging. (and i am pretty good at it lol) However both modes are just as fun to play. Instead of me rambling too much more here if you think you might be interested click the S4 League affiliate link I have just to the right of my page. My "playa" name is "ishfack" in case any of you happen to try it out. As for those of you that I will see in S4 League. "Show me your S4!"


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