
Taking a break from PUBG...

It pains me to say after much thought I will be parting ways with my so-called favorite game of the year till further notice. During the time spent playing PUBG I have met many new friends which is why this is so hard. However, after multiple weeks with a countless number of games witnessing horrible physics, lag issues, and most aggrivating the HACKERS, I have decided to take a break. So what does the future hold for IGZ? We will find out later tonight!

2018 is off to a great start!

So as always I've taken my 1-3 year break from blogging, but in the meantime have made many advances and improvements most of which have came recently and with the addition of a twitch Channel. I plan on continuing my streams on Twitch as well as maintaining my YouTube channel but also want to plan to make at least at the minimum a monthly update on Blogger. Just wanted to give a quick update and a big shout out to my friend Jmiah who got me motivated again. Please check his twitch out at and my channel It's great to be back everyone!

8 Ways to Become a Modern Day Samurai Warrior

So I have decided that I am going to do my best at attempting the ways of the samurai. Sudden motivation has inspired me to continue my research from a few years ago and start to train my mind, body, and soul once again. Hopefully this time I can find inner peace and become one with myself again as I once was. I read from the following article and was astounded by how much I already do that has come so natural! However I have PLENTY to work on! Mainly training my body and getting back into an art form that I have not forgotten but needs to be revitalized. I plan to edit or continue this post as I come across more information. Stay tuned!

Ishy's G.A.M.E. Zone - A new video!

Looks like I got my video editing software back. However it looks like I need to adjust my Mic input settings and the volume levels on the chat programs too so we can actually hear people... Enjoy!

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn

Sorry about the last blog...had nothing to do with IGZ (I just needed to vent) and sadly if I posted it on Facebook I would be burned on a torch. (really sad) Anyways, where I have been and what game I have primarily been playing! So I no longer play WoW and have settled into a new MMO know as FF14:ARR and so far it has been quite fun. The PvP is 10 times better, the dungeons are fun however they are quite lengthy...and you don't have to be a l33test jerk to do end game content! They also plan to add mini games such as a card game, Chocobo races. & more with a Gold Saucer implementation in the near future. They also just released a marriage system for couples who play together in game. I posted a few pictures below. Currently the information states that ceremony registration starts this Friday @ 4am server time, but you can complete the "couples" quest and get the clothing now. I am sure this will add a neat new feature to the game but I do not know if they will

What is Religion?

I was going to originally title this "What is Christianity?" but did not want to make people think I was specifically targeting a specific religion. Which I am are... Let me explain. First I will explain why Christianity is targeted by "you" and by you I mean Christians, and by Christians I do not mean every damn one! For example. Joe is a christian, Joe like to go to bars at night. Joe does not knock on my door and tell me why I am going to hell because I am not a Christian. He also dose not change the context of the bible every ten years. Then their is Bob, he is the man who talks about religion every chance he gets, make it apparent to me and asked me if I have saved myself yet on a daily basis, tells me why Christianity is the only way to go and everything else I know is WRONG and I will be condemned for it. IF you have not been able to tell yet "Bob" is who I am targeting on the first part of this rant. Now for an experience that I just had

Return to Ishy's G.A.M.E. Zone!

It's that time again folks....that time where I remember once every few years I have this page and decide to update it once or twice then forget about it again! First I will start by saying I added a bunch of you tube videos a year or two or...3 ago... lol. They were my first videos ever so they are ...a bit crappy... I plan to make better videos of let's plays and such for the future in ANOTHER attempt to revive this. Link my YouTube videos are below.