Ishy's latest excitement...X Edge! (Gaming)

Cross Edge , abbreviated as XEdge or X-Edge , is an RPG developed by Capcom , Nippon Ichi , Namco Bandai , Gust , and Idea Factory , released September 25, 2008 in Japan. The game features turn-based battles, a plot that involves rescuing souls, and the ability to dress the female characters of your party in a wide variety of outfits, from PE clothes to devil costumes. The game features characters from Darkstalkers , Disgaea , Ar tonelico , Spectral Souls , Ate lier Marie and Mana-Khemia 2 . [ 1 ] NIS America will publish the game for North America in May 20, 2009. Upon being transported to this strange other dimension, Yuuto and Mikoto are joined by characters from the various games and are attacked by monsters. After surviving the onslaught, a mysterious girl approaches them, telling them that she has been waiting for their coming for ages. The strange dimension they have been transported to is a place where souls gathered. However, unlike the most people, some are trapped in the...